Mulch is a layer of loose organic matter made up of elements such as, shredded branches, which is used to cover the ground around trees, vegetables, or garden plants.

We can also say that the mulch is the remains of wood that is crushed and dye in colors such as red, brown, and black, helping to achieve an impressive and original landscape impact.

The mulch helps maintain an ideal soil condition for the healthy growth of plants because, coming from plant materials, it generates decomposition, nourishing the soil and the roots.

Mulch advantages for gardening and landscaping

  • Keep the soil more humid, causing an increase in root growth and the strengthening of plants and trees.
  • Significantly reduces evaporation or transpiration, reducing the number of times plants need to be watered; this represents economic savings and of time, effort, and natural resources.
  • Mulch improves and stabilizes soil structure, acting as a buffer, reducing soil compaction, and as already mentioned, improving moisture retention.

At Professional Ground Covers, we sell mulch by the cubic yard; we do home delivery, and we also provide mulch installation services for homes and commercial businesses.

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